At East Calcutta Girls’ College, academic excellence is a core value, and our Examination Cell plays a pivotal role in ensuring the seamless and fair conduct of examinations. Committed to upholding the highest standards of integrity and transparency, the Examination Cell is dedicated to assisting our students in their academic pursuits. The Examination Cell plays a crucial role in ensuring the integrity of the examination process, from scheduling to result publication, contributing significantly to the overall academic functioning of the college.

Key responsibilities of the cell

  • Planning and scheduling examinations, taking into consideration the academic calendar and various courses offered.
  • Coordinating with various departments to ensure the availability of necessary infrastructure, including examination halls, seating arrangements, and equipment.
  • Overseeing the smooth conduct of examinations, including the distribution of question papers and collection of answer sheets.
  • Ensuring transparency in the examination process, including fair and unbiased evaluation.