The Games and Sports Committee at our college is committed to promoting a culture of physical fitness, teamwork, and sportsmanship among our students. We believe that sports play a crucial role in the holistic development of individuals, and our mission is to provide ample opportunities for students to excel in both indoor and outdoor activities.

  • Our state-of-the-art sports facilities cater to a wide range of sports, including table-tennis, carom, basketball, badminton, and more. We also have a well maintained Gym and Yoga facility for our students.
  • We encourage students of all skill levels to participate, offering training, coaching, and regular inter-college competitions to hone their abilities and nurture their passion for sports. 
  • We take pride in our college's achievements in sports, with several of our students participating and excelling at the university and national levels. We celebrate their accomplishments and strive to create an environment where every student can reach their full athletic potential.
  • We organize Annual sports for students to show case their sports ability. 

Join us at the Games and Sports Cell, where we promote not only physical fitness but also valuable life skills and a spirit of healthy competition. Whether you're a seasoned athlete or new to sports, there's a place for you to thrive and be a part of our college's sporting legacy. Let's play, compete, and succeed together!