Welcome to the Grievance Cell at East Calcutta Girls’ College, a dedicated platform committed to ensuring that every member of our college community has a voice and a means to address concerns and grievances. We believe that open communication and resolution of issues are essential for maintaining a harmonious and thriving academic environment.

Our Grievance Cell is here to serve as an impartial and confidential forum where students, faculty, and staff can seek assistance in addressing a wide range of concerns, from academic matters to interpersonal conflicts. We operate with the highest level of integrity, fairness, and sensitivity to ensure that grievances are heard and resolved in a timely and just manner.

Our key objectives include:

  1. Accessibility: We provide multiple channels for individuals to submit grievances, whether through an online portal, in-person meetings, or anonymous reporting, ensuring that everyone can voice their concerns without fear.
  2. Resolution: Our dedicated team investigates and addresses grievances promptly, striving to find amicable solutions through mediation, dialogue, and appropriate intervention.
  3. Accountability: We maintain transparency in the grievance resolution process, ensuring that actions are taken to prevent the recurrence of similar issues.

At East Calcutta Girls’ College, we value the well-being and satisfaction of our college community. The Grievance Cell stands as a testament to our commitment to fostering an inclusive, supportive, and responsive institution. We encourage all members to utilize this resource to help us continuously improve and maintain a positive college experience for all.  Students' concerns matter to us, and together, we can work towards resolution and growth.