For Teachers:

  • The teachers of the college must be sincere and honest in the performance of their duties and responsibilities.
  • Teachers must be regular and punctual in their attendance and stay in college for the specified period.
  • They must be prepared to do and discharge any academic and official assignments that may be given to them by the college authority and the university.
  • They are expected to be student friendly and they should support and encourage the learners, especially those who are lagging behind in respect of physical, mental and financial capacities.
  • They are expected to keep track of their day to day work and update their academic profile
  • They are expected to get involved in research work, outreach programs, and institutional assessment by the external agencies
  • The teachers are expected to be committed and devoted to their respective work and avoid getting involved in any controversial issues having no relevance to their official and academic assignments.
  • They should use the ICT enabled teaching more frequently, explore more innovative teaching method, encourage the students to visit libraries and collect feedback from the students on a regular basis.
  • They must perform their role as mentors maintaining good contact with the mentees.
  • They must maintain regular interaction with the IQAC and support it fully in ensuring documentation, data collection and reporting.